I am a Computer Science PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I am part of the People and Robots Laboratory and am grateful to be advised by Professor Bilge Mutlu. My interests lie in the intersection of End-User Programming and Programming Languages. These days I am working on building interactive robot programming systems that utilize natural language prompts.

I studied Artificial Intelligence and Statistics at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea for my undergraduate degrees. Professor Hayeon Song, affiliated with the Human-AI Interaction Laboratory led me to the field of Computer-Mediated Communication, and Human-Computer/Human-Robot Interaction.

Here is my most recent CV (updated: Jun 2024).


  • Jul 2024 - I will be presenting at the ACM Designing Interactive Systems conference (ACM DIS’24), at Copenhagen, Denmark. Here is information about the talk, and link to the paper Understanding On-the-Fly End-User Robot Programming.
  • May 2024 - I got my master’s degree in Computer Science at UW-Madison!
  • Mar 2024 - My first-author workshop paper Understanding Generative AI in Robot Logic Parametrization is accepted to the EUD4HRI workshop at HRI 2024! Co-authors: Arissa J. Sato, Pragathi Praveena
  • May 2023 - Awarded a summer research assistantship from the Computer Science department.
  • Aug 2022 - Joined the Computer Science department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a graduate student.
  • Jan 2022 - Our work Coping with Stress during the COVID-19: Social Support through Social Media is accepted to the 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference (Human-AI Interaction Laboratory, Sungkyunkwan University).